Download link
Creating enviroment on host PC.
linuxhost > mkdir eldk
linuxhost > mkdir install_mount
linuxhost > cd eldk/
linuxhost/eldk > su
linuxhost/eldk # mount -o loop,exec ../arm-2007-01-21.iso ../install_mount/
linuxhost/eldk # exit
linuxhost/eldk > ls ../install_mount/
. arm ELDK_FIXOWNER etc install RPMS tools
.. common ELDK_MAKEDEV icons README.html sys version
linuxhost/eldk > ../install_mount/install arm
linuxhost/eldk > chmod u+x eldk_init
now unmount the ISO image as root
linuxhost/eldk > ./eldk_init arm
export these variable to environment,or include them as part of .bashrc file.
Using ELDK for mini2440
compiling the Kernel...
Error found while compiling the kernel
kernel/bounds.c:1: error: invalid ABI option: -mabi=aapcs-linux
Fix is to un select Kernel Features ---> [ ] Use the ARM EABI to compile the kernel
Now do make in kernel source,the kernel is successfully build on ELDK.
Building the Root file system
untar the root_qtopia.tar.gz which is available on CD.
cd root_qtopia
rm bin sbin lib usr -rf
cp /opt/ELDK/arm/lib . rf
BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable,I have used busybox-1.16.0 for my filesystem.
compilation is very straightforward. make menuconfig,
In BusyBox Settings -->Build Options , use 'arm-linux-' as cross compiler prefix.
In Installation Options-> , update the BusyBox Installation prefix
busybos build will create 'bin','sbin','usr' folders in its installation folder.
copy these folders to root_qtopia/
now yaffs2 image for root_qtopia and upload it to mini2440 board.
mkyaffs2image root_qtopia rootfs.img